【Festive Korea 2020】 韓國傳統米酒大師 劉清吉 | Korean ‘Makgeolli’ Grand Master ‘YOO Chung-kil’ Masterclass
2021.11.04 두레박
미디어 0 1425



Many of us may have heard about the Makgeolli (traditional rice wine) in Korea, but do you know there are actually various different types of Makgeolli?

2020年韓國十月文化節 #FestiveKorea2020HK 邀請到第49號「韓國米酒名人」劉清吉,透過短篇紀錄片為大家介紹韓國嘅金井山城米酒 #금정산성막걸리 。一齊在家享受香醇嘅韓國酒,一邊聽下大師介紹金井山城嘅米酒有何特別之處啦!

Here comes the special instructional documentary video by the No.49 Grand Master of Makgeolli, Mr. YOO Chung-kil! Join us to enjoy tasting Korean alcohol at home and get unique tips from 'Mageolli' master!


*‘Korean Food Grand Master’ is named by the Ministry of Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs, for the inheritance and development of the Korean traditional food industry. The ‘Grand Master’ titles are given to those who maintain the traditional taste and recipes, pursuit more than 20 years’ experience of studies on one food category, or who have been taught by a master for more than 5 years and have 10 years’ experience in that traditional food industry.


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