【K-CRAFT】 | 花型鈕扣結掛繩 | Flower Knot Bag Charm
2021.11.04 두레박
미디어 0 1479


韓國傳統繩藝線上教學嘅最後一集,韓國傳統繩結工藝家Ms. Kim Younjung教大家整오벌 가락지! 呢款繩結係鈕扣結嘅一種,有5塊瓣,好似一朵花!睇片跟導師整一個可以掛喺手袋嘅花花吊飾啦!

Here comes the last episode of Korean Traditional Knot Craft series... Traditional knot craftmaker Ms. Kim Younjung will guide us how to make a flower bag charm. This knot is relatively more challenging than the previous ones, but..practice makes perfect! Watch this tutorial video and try to make one! 


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