1976년에 설립된 프랑스한인과학기술협회(2013년 명칭 변경: (약칭) 프랑스과협, ASCoF: Association des Scientifiques Coréens en France)는 프랑스에 거주하는 과학기술자들의 모임으로서, 대한민국과 프랑스간의 과학기술 분야 협력을 촉진하고 회원간의 학문 교류를 통한 네트워크 구축을 목적으로 하는 비영리 단체입니다.
ASCoF (Association des Scientifiques Coréens en France, an association according to the French civil law of 1901 defining nonprofit organizations) founded at Paris in 1976 is a nonprofit organization established 1) to promote the scientific and technological cooperation between Korea and France and 2) to build networks among ASCoF members by exchanging knowledge and opinions in the field of sciences and technology. The Introduction of ASCoF and the message from the president written in English are also provided.
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