히로시마성 Hiroshima Castle 広島城跡(史跡) > 일본 Japan

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히로시마성 Hiroshima Castle 広島城跡(史跡)


21-1 Motomachi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima-shi, Hiroshima

〒730-0011 広島県広島市中区基町21-1

730-0011 히로시마시 나카구 모토마치 21-1

  스크랩     0건  Homepage


조회 65,986회   2021-10-10

히로시마성은 1589년, 주고쿠(中国) 지방의 대부분을 영유하고 있던 모리 데루모토(毛利輝元)에 의해 수륙 교통편이 발달한 이 지역에 축성되었습니다. 이때, 돌담과 해자, 천수각 등의 건물과 성시 마을에 이르기까지 대규모 공사를 시행했습니다. 

모리 일족은 세키가하라(関ヶ原)전투가 끝난 후 영지가 바뀌지만, 에도(江戸)시대에는 후쿠시마 마사노리(福島正則), 아사노 나가아키라(浅野長晟) 이하 아사노 일족의 12대에 걸쳐 거성이 되었습니다. 

메이지(明治)시대 이후에도 천수각과 몇 개의 건물은 남겨졌지만, 원폭에 의해 모든 건물이 파괴되었습니다. 천수각은 1958년에 재건되어 자료와 모형 등으로 히로시마의 역사를 소개하는 박물관이 되어 연간 7개 정도의 기획전과 각종 보급 사업을 전개하고 있습니다. 

또한, 1994년에 성의 외곽이 목조로 재건되었으며 성터 내에 남아있는 에도시대 이전의 돌담 및 내부 해자는 사적으로 지정되어 있습니다 

JR히로시마역 앞에서 히로시마전철 노면전차(1번,2번,6번) 승차, ‘가미야초 히가시(紙屋町東)’에서 하차, 도보 15분 

Hiroshima Castle

Terumoto Mori, a powerful feudal lord whose domain once covered much of the Chugoku Region, began construction on Hiroshima Castle in the year Tensho 17 (1589), choosing for it a location with convenient access to both water and land transportation. At that time, large-scale construction work commenced on the castle structures, including its stone walls and fences, towers and keep, as well as the surrounding castle town.

Although Mori would later be demoted by the Tokugawa Shogunate after the Battle of Sekigahara, Hiroshima Castle continued to be maintained throughout the Edo Period by successive feudal lords, from Masanori Fukushima to Nagaakira Asano, whose clan would control the castle, and with it the domain, for twelve generations.

The original castle keep and several other structures remained through the Meiji Period, but, unfortunately, the castle was completely destroyed in the Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima. The castle keep was rebuilt in the year Showa 33 (1958) and made into a museum introducing Hiroshima's history through assorted informational materials and scale models.

The museum currently holds special exhibitions roughly seven times per year, as well as various other activities meant to raise awareness of Hiroshima and Hiroshima's history. Additionally, reconstruction of the wooden outer citadel was completed in Heisei 6 (1994), and, at the same time, the castle's stone walls and inner fences, which had remained intact since before the Edo Period, were designated as historic sites.


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