중부권 최대 규모를 자랑하는 문리융합형 종합대학
중부권 최대 규모를 자랑하는 메이조. 다양한 9학부, 대학원 9연구과로 구성된 문리융합형의 종합대학 입니다.
1926년에 개설된 나고야고등공과강습소를 전신으로 개교 90년 이상의 긴 역사를 자랑합니다.
Meijo University has over 90 years of history that can be traced back to the establishment of the Nagoya Science and Technology Course in 1926. As one of the largest universities in the Chubu region, Meijo University is a comprehensive learning institution that supports a wide range of academic fields from the humanities to physical sciences. To foster the human resources of the next generation, the university continues to tackle ongoing challenges by further enhancing its campus and creating new faculties.
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