아시아왕립병원 Asia Royal Hospital > 미얀마 Myanmar

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아시아왕립병원 Asia Royal Hospital

(+951) 2304999 , (+951) 538055

FAX : (+951) 537296

14, Baho Road, Sanchanung Tsp, Yangon, Myanmar



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조회 8,627회   2021-08-16

아시아왕립병원은 2000년 3월 18일에 개원한 쌍둥이 빌딩 11층 입니다. 

현대적인 의료장비로 다학제 진료 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다.

우리는 잘 훈련된 상주 의사, 간호사 및 각 부서의 전문 전문 직원이 지원하여 환자에게 신속하고 효과적인 치료를 제공합니다.

콜 서비스 전문가도 이용 가능합니다. 

거의 10년 동안 우리는 더 나은 건강 생활과 웰빙을 위해 봉사해 왔습니다.

우리는 항상 환자의 요구와 요구를 충족시키기 위해 노력합니다.

Asia Royal Hospital is an 11th Storey twin building which was opened on the 18th March 2000.

We are providing multidisciplinary medical care service with modern medical equipments.

We are concerned with prompt & effective treatment to our patient given by well trained residential medical doctors, nurses & supported by expert professional staffs at the every respective department .

Specialist on call service is also available. Nearly a decade, we have performed our service to get better health living and well being.

We always try to meet our patient’s needs & requests.

We also keep abreast with the technological advantages for your satisfactions. Your Satisfaction is our first priority. We are always at your service.


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