Precept > 미국 United States

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싸이룩스 코리아 네트워크 :: CYLOOKS KOREA NETWORK
북아메리카 North America



PO Box 182218 Chattanooga, TN 37422

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조회 11,141회   2021-08-13

Life-changing intimacy with God is the heart of Precept. Since 1970, we’ve been equipping small group Bible Study Leaders who can help you discover the truth of Scripture for yourself, but not by yourself.

Scripture guides you toward God. Precept guides you through Scripture.

We help lead and direct, but we know that the true changing power—personal relationship with God—comes not from following Precept, but from Scripture itself.

Equipping Leaders

To transform the world with God's Word, we recruit, equip, and resource Bible Study Leaders who take God’s life-changing Word to their communities.

Developing Resources

We author and publish Bible study resources that help individuals know God through His Word and be changed by the truth they discover.

Investing Globally

Through partnerships, translation efforts, and cross-cultural ministry, Precept provides international believers with the tools they need to study the Bible.

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