CBMC International > 미국 United States

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CBMC International


International Office: 2850 N. Swan Road, Suite 160 Tucson, AZ 85712


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조회 10,741회   2021-08-13

Connecting Business & Marketplace to Christ

Our mission is to establish and strengthen CBMC national and regional teams to be effective as they present the Gospel of Jesus Christ to their colleagues in the global marketplace and to help others be transformed to Christ-likeness.

CBMC International is an interdenominational, evangelical Christian organization comprised of national associations around the world. We share a common statement of faith, ministry practices and a passion to see lives transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


Marketplace ministry is the intentional activities of Christians as Christ’s ambassadors in the marketplace touching the lives of those they work with or serve every day. Information technology and globalization help put CBMC on the forefront of marketplace ministry.

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