몰디브항공사 Maldives Airports Company Limited, MACL > 몰디브 Maldives

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몰디브항공사 Maldives Airports Company Limited, MACL

+960 3325511

  스크랩     0건  Homepage

조회 9,743회   2021-09-07

Official Documents to MACL

Email :info@macl.aero 

Tel : +960 3325511

For General Queries

Hassan Areef


Corporate Communications

Maldives Airports Company Limited

Velana International Airport

Hulhule 22000, Republic of Maldives

Email :Hassan.areef@macl.aero 

For Lost Baggage

Baggage Services,

Maldives Airports Company Limited

Velana International Airport

Hulhule 22000, Republic of Maldives

Tel : +960 3315366

Mob : +960 7785366

Email :lostnfound@macl.aero

For Duty Free Complaints

Duty Free Customer Care,

Email :dfcustomercare@macl.aero

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