불도장 Buldojang Korean Style Chinese Restaurant > 말레이시아 Malaysia

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불도장 Buldojang Korean Style Chinese Restaurant

+60 3-6201 3201

16-1 (1st Floor),Jalan 24/70A,Desa Sri Hartamas 50480 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

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조회 4,100회   2021-09-05

말레이시아 쿠알라룸푸르(Kuala Lumpur, كوالا لمڤور )에 위치한 중식 레스토랑

영업시간 : 오전 11:00~오후 8:00, 수요일 휴무


Set 1 (Fried pork with sweet and sour sauce + Jjajangmyun + Jjambong + 1Milks)탕수육+짜장면+짬뽕+1밀키스 90.00

Pork Tangsuyuk with sweet and sour sauce(탕수육) 45.00

Seafood Jjambong (spicy noodle soup with seafood)(해물짬뽕) 25.00

Buldojang Jjajangmyun (noodle with chinese bean sauce and seafood)(간짜장) 25.00

Jjajangmyun (noodle with chinese bean sauce)(짜장면) 20.00

Fried Shrimp with Cream Sauce(크림새우) 70.00

Fried Shrimp with Chilli Sauce(칠리새우) 70.00

Fried Shrimp with Garlic Sauce(깐풍새우) 70.00

Beef Tangsuyuk with sweet and sour sauce (소고기 탕수육) 60.00

Cold vegetable dishes (양장피) 60.00

Braised Pork Belly in Oyster Sauce(오향삼겹살) 60.00

Stir-Fried Pork with sweet and sour sauce(찹쌀탕수육) 50.00

Sichuan style sweet&sour pork 48.00

Sichuan Tangsuyuk (fried pork with spicy sweet and sour sauce)(사천탕수육) 48.00

Pork Tangsuyuk with sweet and sour sauce(탕수육) 45.00

Stir-Fried Pork with Hot Sauce(라조육) 45.00

Fried Chicken with hot and sour soy sauce(유린기) 45.00

Stir-Fried Chicken with hot sauce(라조기) 45.00

Fried Chicken with garlic sauce(깐풍기) 45.00

Mapadubu (stir-fried bean curd with minced pork in hot sauce)(마파두부) 40.00

Set Menu

Set 1 (Fried pork with sweet and sour sauce + Jjajangmyun + Jjambong + 1Milks)탕수육+짜장면+짬뽕+1밀키스 90.00

Set 5 (Stir-fried pork with hot sauce + Jjajangmyun + Jjambong +1 Milkis)라조육+짜장면+짬뽕+1밀키스 90.00

Set 2 (Fried chicken with g arlic sauce + Jjajangmyun + Jjambong +1Milkis)깐풍기+짜장면+짬뽕+1밀키스 90.00

Set 4 (Stir-fried chicken with hot sauce + Jjajangmyun + Jjambong +1Milkis)라조기+짜장면+짬뽕+1밀키스 90.00

Set 3 (Fried chicken with hot and sour soy sauce + Jjajangmyun + Jjambong + 1Milkis)유린기+짜장면+짬뽕+1밀키스 90.00


Usansle Rice (Rice topped with stir-fried sea cucumber mushroom and shrimps)(유산슬덮밥) 32.00

Buldojang Special Rice (steamed rice with mixed seafood)(불도장특밥) 30.00

Japtang Rice (steamed rice with mixed seafood)(잡탕밥) 30.00

Pork Jjambong Rice(Spicy pork soup with rice) 고기짬뽕밥 28.00

Seafood Jjambong Rice (spicy soup with rice)해물짬뽕밥 28.00

Mapabudu Rice (rice with stir-fried bean curd witminced pork in hot sauce)(마파두부덮밥) 25.00

Japchea Rice (stir-fried glass noodle with vegetables and rice)(잡채밥) 25.00

Gochujapche Rice (stir-fried with beef and rice)(고추잡채밥) 25.00

Fried rice with shrimp(새우볶음밥) 23.00

Jjajang Rice (rice with chinese bean sauce)(짜장밥) 23.00

Steam Rice 5.00


Sichuan Tangmyun (spicy noodle soup with oyster and seafood)(사천탕면) 30.00

Seaweed Soup with Noodle(매생이탕면) 28.00

Sichuan Seafood Jjajangmyun (with spicy stir-fried black bean paste and seafood)사천짜장면 27.00

Ulmyun (Noodle soup with seafood and egg)(울면) 27.00

Seafood Jjambong (spicy noodle soup with seafood)(해물짬뽕) 25.00

Seafood Udon (noodle soup with seafood)(해물우동) 25.00

Buldojang Jjajangmyun (noodle with chinese bean sauce and seafood)(간짜장) 25.00

Nagasaki Jjambong (Clear spicy noodle soup with seafood)(나가사끼짬뽕) 25.00

Pork Jjambong (spicy noodle soup with pork)(고기짬뽕) 25.00

Gisemyun (noodle soup with shredded chicken)(기스면) 23.00

Jjajangmyun (noodle with chinese bean sauce)(짜장면) 20.00

Side Dish

Tteokbokki 35.00

Mini Tangsuyuk 25.00

Dumpling (Vegetable&pork)(만두) 20.00

Kimchi(김치) 5.00

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