윤가한식당 Yunga Korean Restaurant(Ju Shin Jung East) > 싱가포르 Singapore

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싸이룩스 코리아 네트워크 :: CYLOOKS KOREA NETWORK
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윤가한식당 Yunga Korean Restaurant(Ju Shin Jung East)

6447 9279

30 East Coast Road, Katong V #03-12 Singapore428751

  스크랩     0건  Homepage

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조회 12,127회   2021-10-19

싱가포르 최초의 한국식 숯불구이

싱가포르 현지인과 한인 커뮤니티 모두에게 정통 한식을 제공한다는 비전으로 설립된 주신정 그룹 레스토랑은 2000년대 후반 한식당의 들어서기 전에 서해안에 첫 번째 식당을 열면서 입소문을 통해 식당의 좋은 음식과 서비스 기준을 전파하는 데 도움을 준 충성도 높은 고객을 빠르게 확보하였고, 두 번째 음식점은 빠르게 동부 해안으로 이어졌습니다.

First Korean Charcoal BBQ in Singapore

Founded with the vision of providing authentic Korean food to both the locals and the Korean community in Singapore, Ju Shin Jung Group of Restaurants have grown from strength to strength. Opening their first restaurant in West Coast before the onslaught of Korean restaurants started in the late 2000s, they quickly gained a base of loyal customers who helped spread the restaurant’s good food and service standards through word of mouth. Gaining traction from this, the second branch quickly followed at East Coast.

Monday to Sunday : 11 am to 10 pm (Last order at 9:30 pm, Open daily)



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