네팔트레킹에이전시협회 Trekking Agencies' Association of Nepal (TAAN) > 네팔 Nepal

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네팔트레킹에이전시협회 Trekking Agencies' Association of Nepal (TAAN)

페이지 정보

댓글 0건 조회 7,284회 작성일 21-07-28 15:11


Trekking Agencies' Association of Nepal (TAAN) is an umbrella association of trekking agencies in the country. It was established in 1979 by a handful of trekking agency operators who felt it was time to devise sound business principles as well as regulate the sector which was growing by leaps and bounds with every passing year. They also felt the need of a strong lobby group that could suggest to the government on several issues to promote the Nepali tourism industry and develop tourism as a revenue generating industry.

Initially, TAAN had limited its membership only to Nepalese trekking agencies. It later opened associate membership to foreign organizations to broaden the scope of the association.

TAAN members (around 1,566 General Members, 7 Associate Members and 142 General Members of TAAN Regional Association Pokhara) meet annually to endorse policy guidelines which govern the executive body. The executive committee work as per the TAAN Statute and guidelines of the Annual General Body meeting. The association frequently communicates with different government agencies and other stakeholders to simplify working procedures and resolve problems related to the trekking sector. The executive committee, which is elected every two years, has eight office-bearers, nine executive committee members, four nominated executive members, one immediate past president and one representative from TAAN Regional Association Pokhara.

TAAN has 17 departments, which are led by office-bearers or executive committee members, which assist the executive committee to meet its objectives. The association organizes different trainings and workshops on a regular basis to enhance professionalism of its member agencies and their workforce. It organizes number of events like TAAN Lhosar Festival (February 17), Langtang Marathon Championship (April 25), International Sagarmatha Day and TAAN Day (May 29), World Environment Day (June 5), and World Tourism Day (September 27), among others. Likewise, programs like tree plantation, trekking trails and rivers clean-up campaign, and works to promote agro tourism and good sanitation are organized throughout the year.

TAAN also join hands with number of government agencies and travel trade associations to organize different programs and activities.


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