Ministry Of Education,Science And Technology > 네팔 Nepal

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Ministry Of Education,Science And Technology

(977-1) 4211669, 4211846, 4211847

FAX : (977-1) 4211758, 4211992

Singha durbar, Kathmandu,

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조회 7,185회   2021-08-01

The Ministry of Education (MoE) was established in 1951, was renamed as the Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES) in 2002. It was again renamed as Ministry of Education with the decision of Cabinet in 15 Bhadra 2065 BS. The MoE as the apex body of all educational organizations is responsible for overall development of education in the country. This Ministry is responsible for formulating educational policies and plans and managing and implementing them across the country through the institutions under it.

The Central Level Agencies (CLAs) under the Ministry are responsible for designing and implementing of programmes and monitoring them. Moreover, all the functional units of the MoEST and other constituent and autonomous bodies within the framework of the Ministry are parts of the organizational structure geared for achieving its goals and carry out its functions.

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